4 Feb 2012

The 30 day song challenge (and YouTube-a-thon)

Over a year ago now, this 30 day song challenge was posted by a few on Facebook.  It took me a while to get up the time and energy to dig down and release my inner soundtrack… and below past the page jump, you’ll find my results.  Some of these were pretty easy, but I seriously found quite a few to be very difficult to answer.  Either I had difficulty sifting through the thousands of possible answers swimming in my head, or it brought up a thought or feeling I just don’t normally have or to which I couldn’t easily relate.  The challenge here was to post one song every day… obviously for 30 days

I have to thank Caroline Z. for actually getting me this list.  I don’t know who originally created it or had it first sent into cyberspace… whoever you are, I thank you too.  It really was a challenge... and I hope this helps you to get to know me a bit better too.

Day 01 – Your favourite song:
Now this is a bit difficult.  I’ve had plenty of favourite artists, plenty of favourite albums… but just to pick a single song is excruciatingly hard.  For years, I made a series of mixed tapes and mixed cds (remember those) for myself, there were certain pieces that showed up over and over again… namely some Doves songs, Tori Amos, Queen,  certainly an excessive amount of Leonard Cohen… but most notably, this one:
Heather Nova – What A Feeling… it’s still a personally powerful piece (kinda sappy too, sorry) but I always turn it up when it plays.

Day 02 – Your least favourite song:

You know, after a couple of ironic plays even Rebecca Black’s auto-tuned voice wasn’t so bad.  But thanks immeasurably to the bar scene in Kelowna in the late 90s (and every radio station), I hhhhhhhaaaate this song by No Mercy!  I’m not a violent guy, but I want to punch them all in the throat.

Day 03 – A song that makes you happy:
One time I was picking some tunes from the jukebox at Sturgeon Hall in Kelowna when a drunken woman comes up to me and says “There are two types of people in the world… those who love Neil Diamond, and those who should”.  I couldn’t agree more, and Forever In Blue Jeans is one of his tunes that always makes me smile whenever I hear it.


Day 04 – A song that makes you sad:
I don’t get sad all that much, I mean I’m pretty much an optimistic, happy guy… but when I listen to this one I feel a bit, oh I don’t know… maybe just a bit lost… although I’ve always felt it’s a spectacularly, beautifully arranged song
The Longpigs – On & On

Day 05 – A song that reminds you of someone:

Gen Monro first played a tape of J.J. for me at work (yeah, an actual cassette tape)… I think she got it from a friend in California or Hawaii or some place.  This tune stuck in my head all day.  Gen and I had the pleasure of seeing him open for Ben Harper a couple years later.  Gen shared a lot of tunes with me, a lot of great tunes… but this one in particular will always remind me of her:
Jack Johnson – Flake

Day 06 – A song that reminds of you of somewhere:

I don’t really have a song that defines a specific place.  Sorry.  More or less, the music I hear would put me into the place where I would often listen to it.  A bus ride, on the train, walking to work, a late night drive around town, in my bedroom with the headphones on... but not a specific place, per se. 

This Moby song however always makes me picture the long Greyhound bus ride (I think in 1999), leaving the city of Calgary, heading towards the foothills, on a very dark December early morning... on my home to see my parents for Christmas.  This album (Play B-Sides) was a great soundtrack for the trip... and this song in particular kicks in just as the bus leaves town.  Hearing it always bring me back to the vision of that morning... especially at the 2:15 mark of the track.

Moby - Spirit

Day 07 – A song that reminds you of a certain event:
Some of the old k-town crew might remember this particular event.  There was a party in Vernon, let’s say early ‘98ish, there was a lot of fun and dancing… but the almost-lakeside venue was the perfect setting.  The DJ started to play this as night ended and the sunrise began (ahh to be young again and to stay up late enough to watch the sun rise).  It was the first time I had heard this track and it couldn’t have suited the mood any better.  I was just standing on the back porch watching the sun peek over the hills, listening to the birds beginning to chirp. 
This track always brings me back to that reflective (dare I say it, spiritual) moment.

Afterwards, a gang of us went up to Silverstar mountain (RT’s cabin, I think).  The sun was shining, we were young, and life was good. 
Orbital – Halcyon + On + On

Day 08 – A song that you know all the words to:
This is from one of my favourite bands from the 60s and 70s.  Sometimes I really think I was born in the wrong era.... and I discovered these guys waaay too late.  If I ever do karaoke (not any time soon though, seriously)... this would be my first choice.  Not very difficult lyrics to memorize though, especially if you too had spent every night in high school listening to AM radio hits while doing homework.  It might be a bit hard to pull off that (though Canadian) southern rock style soul stuff, but given enough liquid encouragement I could give it a try.  I may just leave it to Burton Cummins… he nails it every time.
The Guess Who – These Eyes

Growing up, I was certainly a child of the 80s and a HUGE fan of StarWars… no surprise there. Also loved Weird Al (who didn’t back then)… put the two together and you have this one… still sing it often
Weird Al Yankovich - Yoda

Day 09 – A song that you can dance to:

There was a time when I thought I had some moves, a time when I was comfortable hitting the dance floor and sweating the night away (lost a lot of weight that way too).  Not so much anymore.  I’m older.  I tire out easily.  But man, one day… and with a lot more practice… I’m gonna pull this off… if only for the giggles:

Yelle – Que Veux-Tu


(Note: this has totally been my favourite video of 2011…. been watching it on repeat waaay too long.)

Day 10 – A song that makes you fall asleep:
This is still one of my favourite classical pieces, and by one of my favourite composers.  In its entirety, it’s difficult to listen to the melange of sounds from the complete Carnival of the Animals, but on its own I can play this genuinely beautiful piece on repeat and I’ll be zzzzZZZzzzzZZZing with the best of them.  If you don’t recognize the title, you’ll surely recognize the work (seems to be played in a multitude of magical movie trailers too)
Saint-Saëns – Aquarium


Day 11 – A song from your favourite band:
The first time I heard Doves, I knew something clicked.  They’ve got an incredible sound, a powerful “greater-than-the-sum-of-the-parts” feel, and they release consistently great albums.  If you want to know me better, this band is the one who probably best defines me and my tastes.  I’ve been dying to go see them live, but alas they tend to stick to the UK.  Their second album, Last Broadcast, is still one of my most played cds in my collection (yes, I still buy and play cds.  If you’ve never heard them, before please listen to this:
Doves – Pounding

or Satellites
 or There Goes The Fear 

Day 12 – A song from a band you hate:
Hate is a strong word and I don’t pass it around too lightly.  The easy answer would be Nickelback, Toby Keith or Hedley… and the part-time music snob in me wants to turn my nose up at any mainstream pop music too (but, heck, they’re fun, catchy and popular for a reason).  Genre wise, I think it’s Metal that never really grabbed me.  It was always seemed too aggressive and too loud for my tastes (despite what message was trying to be conveyed lyrically).
In the end though, the one group whose fame and success still confuses me is The Pussycat Dolls.  They’re just hypersexualized hussies who are proof positive that sex sells and women are just being used for objectification in the modern world.  They (and their producers) are pushing any movement for equality back by decades, and creating a generation of little hussy wannabes, in my humble opinion (okay, rant done)
Pussycat Dolls – Don’t Cha

Day 13 – A song that is a guilty pleasure:
There are a ton of songs that if I played in among my group of friends, they would consider them a guilty pleasure (*cough*, female angst ridden singer/songwriter rock *cough*).  I don’t however feel guilty about playing them… I play them loud and proud.  I’m also a  sucker for sappy Am radio rock.  With the following song though, I tend to turn the stereo down when in good company (in fact most by the Bee Gees) and just hum along to myself… but for those who know me well, are you even surprised? 

Bee Gees  – Too Much Heaven


Day 14 – A song that no one would expect you to love:
Working in a music store for a number of years had certainly introduced me to a number of styles and artists... but those I worked with probably know me well enough that anything I post here would not be much a surprise.  I have eclectic tastes really, I just like music that I think sounds nice... has a nice quality... has great musicianship.  I like anything from Dolly Parton to Jurassic 5, from Elgar to Nine Inch Nails, from Bob Marley to Architecture in Helsinki, from Caribou to Manitoba, I like both the Beatles and the Beach Boys... you get the idea.  I’m always open to new music (although sometimes I’m a music snob...mainly towards Metal)
I don’t talk about punk much though.  I still love this:
Down By Law – Bright Green Globe

Secretly a huge fan on ska inspired punk.  Still like this too:
Rancid – Ruby Soho

Day 15 – A song that describes you:
As has been mentioned previously, I’m a bit of an optimist and nothing really gets me down for long.  I mean, crap happens and I just have to learn to deal with it.  I’m so thankful that my wife has a realist approach to a lot of things in life, ‘cause she helps to ground me and keep my head out of the clouds.

I was introduced to this song at an early age, and it has stuck with me my whole life.  I feel it best describes me and my outlook.  “Because I’m free, nothin’s worryin’ me […] and it won’t be long til happiness steps up to greet me”.

BJ Thomas - Raindrops Keep Falling on my Head

Day 16 – A song that you used to love but now hate:
To be honest, I’ve had difficulty answering this one.  I like stuff ‘cause I like it, simple as that… not because it was a fad or I likes it for the time.  Songs of my past that I’m a bit ashamed to discuss in the present just sit on the back of my head waiting to whistle along when I hear them on the radio.  Songs I used to lovejust become guilty pleasures… never really songs I hate.  Things get overplayed on the radio and I get annoyed by them (you’ll see in tomorrow’s posting)…. but eventually times passes and it can ease back into my playlist again.

This song I really liked when it came out…. Totally got overplayed… but just this past year I think I’ve accepted it back into my life.

Feist – 1 2 3 4

Day 17 – A song that you hear often on the radio:
Genevieve was the first to point out Florence & The Machines’ “The Dog Days Are Over”.  Soon afterwards I heard it in everywhere... and all the time.
These dog days were over a loooong time ago, Flo.  Time to take this off every radio playlist, please…. You hear me Peak 100.5?!

Day 18 – A song that you wish you heard on the radio:
This is easily one of my all-time top 5 favourite songs.  After a couple of plays on MuchMusic when it was released, it seems the Jesus & Mary Chain faded back into obscurity.  Still love the song, love the video, love the whole thing. 

Jesus & Mary Chain – Sometimes Always

Close second would be anything from the mash-up master Mark Vidler (Go Home Productions)

Day 19 – A song from your favourite album:
There are a lot of albums which can be listed among my ‘favourite”… and so, very difficult to narrow down.  Albums that I play a lot, albums where I love every single song, albums that hold a nostalgic place in my heart… there’s a lot to choose from.  I do, however, also have an appreciation for the concept album. An album that goes beyond its collection of radio hits… an album that tells a story.
Joel Plaskett’s “Ashtray Rock” is one of the best I have heard in recent times.  It cohesively tells the story of a couple of high school kids who fall in love with the same girl, and all the drama that ensues… yet each song has its own style, its own beat, its own story within this larger framework.  This is one of those albums that I love to play through from start to finish.  (Totally has a distinctly Canadian sound to it as well)
Joel Plaskett – Penny For Your Thoughts

Day 20 – A song that you listen to when you’re angry:
Angry?  Who wants to be angry? ... worse yet, who wants to stay angry?

Calm down, relax, and listen, seriously listen, to this:

Sigur Ros – Sé Lest

Day 21 – A song that you listen to when you’re happy:

When I’m happy or otherwise, it’s often the song stylings of Mr. Freddie Mercury that can always get my toe tappin’.  I mean, who can you not listen to this and sing along “Hoo Hoo Hoo”.
Queen – Don’t Stop Me Now

Jacksons – Blame it on the Boogie, close second.

Day 22 – A song that you listen to when you’re sad:
As you know, I don’t rightly get sad all that much.  I think I’m optimistic enough to deal with crap when it lands on my head and I try not to let it beat me down.  Stevie Wonder has been quotes as saying “Life has meaning only in the struggle. Triumph or defeat is in the hands of the Gods. So let us celebrate the struggle”.  Life sucks, enjoy it while you can!
Despite that, a song that makes me a bit... emotional, let’s say.  Her haunting vocals and swelling music... hits me in the heart every time:
Jo Hamilton – Liathach

Day 23 – A song that you want to play at your wedding:
Mozart’s Soave Sia Il Vento was the piece that helped Cheryl’s mother escort my wife-to-be down the aisle.  That piece is beautiful, powerful and engaging.  Check it out if you can.
A song we didn’t showcase, however, was from our reception.  Cheryl and I never rightly had a first dance at our wedding.  The whole event was a bit subdued (no raucous party or drunken bestman antics), but I think we had put together a great jazz-centric soundtrack to play throughout the evening.  I feel strongly though, that this is our song.
Fred Astaire – Cheek to Cheek

Day 24 – A song that you want to play at your funeral:
I remember seeing a handful of Mahalia Jackson albums in the house from Dad’s old collection.  I still don’t know why he never played her stuff for me.  I had to wait until I was 24 years old and working at A&B Sound to discover her.  In fact, I think this was another song that my roommate Gen had introduced to me.  Love Mahalia’s freakishly inspiring soul in this. 
Mahalia Jackson – In The Upper Room 

Those fab British mop tops have a couple songs as a close second & third
Beatles – In My Life

and Beatles – Long & Winding Road

Day 25 – A song that makes you laugh:
As I mentioned earlier, I grew up with Weird Al (as did most boys from my generation)... with the added spice of the older comedy singer Allan Sherman (if you’ve never heard his stuff... please check him out).  Love Momus too!  Even Richard Cheese.  They all still make me laugh.  A lot.  I guess I’m still immature, or perhaps just young at heart.  So I’m always on the lookout for new funny songs.  Bo Burnham is one those recent musically-talented, comedic prodigies. 
There are NOT enough puns in modern music... even set to a fun rap song... a little dirty (sorry, this is strictly a PG-13 song... maybe 17A)... and probably not too appropriate for sensitive viewers... still a good pun mixed with social commentary is always just plain silly.
Bo Burnham – Words Words Words

Day 26 – A song that you can play on an instrument:

I took piano lessons for 2 years, and played cello for 1... unfortunately they never really stuck and I’ve probably hidden those lessons into some inaccessible part of my brain.  Maybe they’ll see the light of day again... we’ll see.  I still love piano.
Most recently thought (“recent” as in sometime in the last 10 years), Gen took it upon herself to try to teach me to play guitar.  It was a late night, I’m sure there might have been a couple of beers that night too...but she tried to teach me this song (to be honest, I think it was this song... it was late, so a bit foggy).  I won’t be able to pull it out at anytime soon... but I’d love to try it again.

Ben E. King - Stand By Me

Day 27 – A song that you wish you could play:

I’d love to sound like this:
Vince Guaraldi – Cast Your Fate to the Wind

Day 28 – A song that makes you feel guilty:

I think we all feel this way when this inexplicably somehow gets played on the radio.
Northern Lights - Tears Are Not Enough

Day 29 – A song from your childhood:

I could’ve picked either the theme song to Littlest Hobo or the 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12 cosmic pinball song from Sesame Street, but I’m going a bit later into my tweens this time.
There was a time when our family would do long road trips during the summer... from Toronto to LA, or Brandon to Kelowna, or wherever.  It was often a long and tiring trip home, and we would often have a selection of tapes we’d play in the car (the Suburban was the best for this).  Whether we played Billy Joel, Bob Marley, or Allan Sherman... it was this Carly Simon song that specifically always reminds me of just getting home to Brandon, Manitoba.  We would be driving at night, with nothing but the prairie road, the headlights, and the glow from dash as we came into town.  We were always pretty quiet at this time, and I would just be enjoying the final leg of the road with my family. 

Carly Simon – Never Been Gone

I was reading the “Island of the Blue Dolphins” in school at the time I think first heard this (or even read it during the summer).  The song has the double job of also reminding of the end of that book too.

Day 30 - Your favourite song at this time last year:

Loved it last year.  Still Love it.  Probably in my Top 10 favourite songs of all time now.  Growing up in the cities I did (Brandon, Grande Prairie, Kelowna, etc.)... living in the suburbs may have seemingly had an impact on my youth... maybe I just didn’t notice it until now.  If so, I think maybe the Grammy award winning Arcade Fire album captured it pretty well.
Those who have heard it should understand.  Those who have not heard it need to understand.
Arcade Fire – Sprawl II

P.S. I apologize if later down the road, the YouTube links no longer work.  I didn’t actually post them there myself and have no control over the account, or if the videos are removed.  Sorry.  You’ll just have to use your memory or your imagination.

1 comment:

  1. I had some formatting issues on this, so I again apologize... this time for the changes in font colour and line spacing. Some of my original Word doc formatting snuck in... and I didn't spend the time trying to dig it out. It's early and I'm tired (and/or just lazy).
