4 Feb 2012

The 30 day song challenge (and YouTube-a-thon)

Over a year ago now, this 30 day song challenge was posted by a few on Facebook.  It took me a while to get up the time and energy to dig down and release my inner soundtrack… and below past the page jump, you’ll find my results.  Some of these were pretty easy, but I seriously found quite a few to be very difficult to answer.  Either I had difficulty sifting through the thousands of possible answers swimming in my head, or it brought up a thought or feeling I just don’t normally have or to which I couldn’t easily relate.  The challenge here was to post one song every day… obviously for 30 days

I have to thank Caroline Z. for actually getting me this list.  I don’t know who originally created it or had it first sent into cyberspace… whoever you are, I thank you too.  It really was a challenge... and I hope this helps you to get to know me a bit better too.